
Historical Timeline

Historical Timeline





East/ Southeast Asia

West/ Central/ South Asia

Middle East/ North Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa

The Pacific


Jan 4 The Fabian Society is founded in London.

Feb 18 Police seize all copies of Tolstoy's "What I Believe In"

Apr 20 Pope Leo XIII encyclical "On Freemasonry".

Jul 4 Statue of Liberty presented to US in Paris

Jul 5 US Congress accept 2nd Chinese Exclusion Act

Aug 5 Cornerstone for Statue of Liberty laid on Bedloe's Island (NYC)

Sep 26 Suriname army shoots on British-Indian contract workers, 7 killed

Nov 4 Grover Cleveland (D) beats James G. Blaine (R) for his 1st presidential term

Mar 8 Susan B. Anthony addresses U.S. House Judiciary Committee arguing for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution granting women the right to vote.

May 1 Proclamation of the demand for eight-hour workday in the United States. May 17 Alaska becomes a US territory.

Jul 3 Dow Jones publishes its 1st stock index, the Dow Jones Transportation Average.

Jan 18 General Charles Gordon departs London for Khartoum

Feb 18 General Charles Gordon arrives in Khartoum

Mar 13 Siege of Khartoum, Sudan begins by Mahdist forces, lasts 10 months

Feb 26 British & Portuguese treaty signed in Congo by Leopold II.

Jul 5 German consul-general Gustav Nachtigal takes possession of Cameroon

         Aug 7 Germany annexes Angra Pequena (Southwest-Africa)

         Nov 15 European Colonization and trade in Africa is officially regulated at the international Berlin Conference, formalizing European powers "Scramble for Africa"



Sep 4 Britain ends its policy of penal transportation to New South Wales in Australia.

Nov 6 British protectorate proclaimed over southeast New Guinea



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